BR Township, Agasod, Bina, Sagar, ISO 9001: 2015 M.P. - 470124.

Road Safety Rules  

Road safety rules for pedestrians

Here are the important road safety rules for pedestrians.


1. Follow traffic signal rules 

As a pedestrian, always watch out for the traffic lights and only cross the road when the pedestrian light is green. Never cross the road when the light is green for vehicular traffic.


2. Do not use mobile phones on the road

Talking or texting on your mobile while walking on the road can be dangerous. For instance, if you are busy on your phone while crossing the road, it can lead to an accident. So avoid it at all costs.


3. Look before crossing the road

Make sure that you look in both directions (left and right) when crossing the road. That way, you will be safe from the oncoming traffic and the vehicles coming from the wrong direction (if any).


4. Use Zebra crossings

As a pedestrian, always use zebra crossings to cross the road at busy intersections and crossroads. Along with the Zebra crossing, follow the pedestrian traffic light rules.

njuries in case of a fall.

Contact Us ↓

BR Township, Vill.- Agasod, Bina,
District  Sagar, M.P - 470124
Phone : 07580-275401
E-mail : [email protected] 

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