BR Township, Agasod, Bina, Sagar, ISO 9001: 2015 M.P. - 470124.
Next PTM on 14-2-25 Friday for classes VIIIth and XIth to discuss the progress of their wards. Timings 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm Venue AV Hall.
DAVBR celebrates 12th Annual Function on 11-Jan-2025 on the theme "Umang".
Congratulations!!! to team DAV BR for bagging Bronze medal in National Sports event in karate, TT, chess.
Assignment 2 for classes I to XIth uploaded in School website, students can download it from from individual students login.
Integrity's Club program in DAV BR on 27-7-2024.
International Yoga Day celebrated in DAV BR on 21-June-2024.
Ex-Students please do Alumni Registration in Achievements Menu. And Cyber Bullying in School Information menu.
DAV BR PUBLIC SCHOOL BINA Achieves ISO Certification for Excellence in Education
Fees structure for Session 2024-25 in Mandatory Disclosure menu.
Congratulations to class XII and X students , Toppers list in Achievement Menu.
Holiday List for session 2024-25 in Academic menu.
TC and Security money format in download menu Download TC from Quick links.
DAV BR PUBLIC SCHOOL, BINA BR Township, Vill.- Agasod, Bina, District Sagar, M.P - 470124 Phone : 07580-275401 E-mail : [email protected]