Welcome to the website of DAV BR Public School Bina

"Education is not preparation of the life, education is life itself."
We as DAV BR Public school firmly believe that this is the fundamental truth and it has always been endeavor of school to instill right values in students, so that they may develop a holistic personality and they are able to face the joys and challenges when they step out of the gate of the school.
As the Principal of the school, I feel privileged to be a part of DAV Organization, where every stakeholder gets an opportunity to learn, to excel and to contribute to the society.
I strongly believe in upholding the highest standard with an absolute commitment to strive, to understand and to improve the educational strategies centering the students’ achievements.
DAV BR Public School as an innovative school makes use of the talent and strength of staff, students and parents to provide a wide range of educational programme and projects. As child’s learning involves and revolves effective partnership between home and school. Hence we have strong association of parents and teachers here.
Behind the long and rewarding history of the school the continuous support of management of Bina Refinery is also notable. So we extend our heartfelt gratitude to them also. We believe, ‘Where a team works, Dream works’.
Thanks & regards
A.K. Mishra